
Miłomłyn Ostróda
Departure of a bus from Ostróda* to Miłomłyn (about 30 min) 12:00
Miłomłyn Ostróda
Departure of the ship from Miłomłyn** to Ostróda (about 2 h 30 min) 12:30


*Bus stop for passengers of Żegluga Ostródzko – Elbląska in Ostródaul. Mickiewicza 22 (near the Castle)

**Harbor of Żegluga Ostródzko – Elbląska in Miłomłynul. Kościelna 30


  • About 2 h 30 min
  • Miłomłyn – Ostróda

  • 12:30
  • 26.04.2025 – 30.09.2025


  • Delivery by bus

Before the cruise there is a possibility to take the transport from Ostróda to Miłomłyn.

The cruise, which lasts about 2.5 hours, begins at Miłomłyn Lock. At the very beginning, the ship passes through Miłomłyn Lock on its way to Green Lock — so called chamber locks, originally of a wooden structure, later changed into concrete ones. The passage of the Elbląg Canal near Miłomłyn is its oldest part. It is exactly where in 1844 the construction of the Canal started. The Miłomłyn Lock itself constitutes point 0.00, from which the length of the canal is measured. During the cruise, the passengers will be enchanted by the scenery of the Ostródzko – Elbląski Canal, most of which is an artificial waterway created by man. The Miłomłyn – Ostróda part of the cruise belongs to the “Pope’s Route”. In the years 1957–1958 Karol Wojtyła, elected Pope John Paul II in 1978, enjoyed cruises on this route. A granite monument was erected and an oak was planted on the Miłomłyn Lock in his honor. The ship sails out of the canal under the iron bridge and the passengers can see a charming panorama of Ostróda. The cruise ends in Ostróda at the marina at ul. Mickiewicza 9a.

After the cruise is over, we do not provide transport back to Miłomłyn.

Cruise schedule:

Season 2025 starts on April. Hours and days of departure may change.
Buy a ticket

Price list:


Standard ticket
95 17
Reduced ticket*
85 17
Ticket for children below the age of 4
29 10
Group ticket**
85 17

cruise ticket bus ticket

*Reduced Fair Ticket – for children in the age from 4 to 16 as well to seniors above the age of 60 as well as persons with disabilities and their carers.
**Group Ticket – for an organised group at least 20 persons.

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